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Modify Single Order

uTrade provides the feature to modify your open orders by allowing the user to change the limit order to market or vice versa, change the Price or Quantity of the limit open order, change the disclosed quantity, or stop-loss of any open stop-loss order.

Method: PUT



Content-Type Value
Authorization {{AUTH_TOKEN}}

Request Body: URL Encoded

Param Value
appOrderID The system generated unique order number
modifiedProductType When you're ready to make a trade, you'll come across different product codes that serve as labels for the type of trade you want to make. These product codes are like signposts guiding your trading journey:

CNC (Cash and Carry): This one is for those looking to buy or sell stocks with a plan to hold onto them for a more extended period, like traditional investing.

MIS (Margin Intraday Square-off): If your aim is to trade stocks or derivatives within a single trading day, MIS is the way to go. Just remember, positions under MIS need to be closed before the day ends.

NRML (Normal): NRML suits traders who want to hold futures, options, currencies, or commodities positions overnight. Unlike MIS, there's no rush; you've got time. Plus, these positions won't be automatically closed by the system at the end of the day.

Possible values: CNC, MIS, NRML, BO, CO, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
modifiedOrderType Order types in trading specify the instructions for executing a trade on the financial markets. They dictate how and when your buy or sell order should be executed.

Possible values: limit, stoplimit, market, stopmarket
modifiedOrderQuantity Order Quantity is the number of Sell or Buy orders
modifiedDisclosedQuantity Disclosed quantity is a type of order used in financial markets, particularly in stock trading. It allows traders to disclose only a portion of the total order quantity to the public market while keeping the remaining quantity hidden
modifiedLimitPrice The limit price is the specific price at which a trader is willing to buy or sell a financial instrument, such as a stock, bond, or commodity futures contract. It plays a crucial role in various types of orders, especially limit order
modifiedStopPrice A stop loss price is a price in a stop order that triggers the creation of a market order. In the case of a Sell on Stop order, a market sell order is triggered when the market price reaches or falls below the stop price.
modifiedTimeInForce "Time in force" (TIF) serves as a crucial directive when entering a trade, determining the duration for which an order remains active, awaiting execution or reaching its expiration. TIF options hold particular significance for active traders, affording them the ability to finely tune the temporal aspects of their trading strategies with precision and specificity.

Possible values: DAY or IOC
orderUniqueIdentifier It is a user-specific order unique identifier
clientID Required in case of dealer

Response: 200

    "code": 200,
    "description": "Request Sent",
    "result": {
        "AppOrderId": 2101100004,
        "ClientId": "CA492",
        "OrderUniqueIdentifier": "123abc"
    "type": "success"