
If there is any change in the positions on your account, the server will trigger this event to indicate the change. By registering for this event, you can track changes in your positions.

socket.on('position', function (position) {
    console.info("interactive socket connected successfully!");

When a change occurs in your account positions, you will receive the following position object.

  • Day wise
    "LoginID": "TEST1",
    "AccountID": "TEST1",
    "TradingSymbol": "ACC",
    "ExchangeSegment": "BSECM",
    "ExchangeInstrumentID": 500410,
    "ProductType": "NRML",
    "Marketlot": 1,
    "Multiplier": 1,
    "BuyAveragePrice": 2300,
    "SellAveragePrice": 0,
    "LongPosition": 20,
    "ShortPosition": 0,
    "NetPosition": 20,
    "BuyValue": 46000,
    "SellValue": 0,
    "NetValue": -46000,
    "UnrealizedMTM": 0,
    "RealizedMTM": 0,
    "MTM": 0,
    "BEP": 0,
    "SumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceBuy": 46000,
    "SumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceSell": 0,
    "statisticsLevel": "ParentLevel",
    "isInterOpPosition": false,
    "MessageCode": 0,
    "MessageVersion": 0,
    "TokenID": 0,
    "ApplicationType": 0,
    "SequenceNumber": 0,
    "IsDayWiseNetWise": "daywise"
  • Net wise
    "LoginID": "TEST1",
    "AccountID": "TEST1",
    "TradingSymbol": "ACC",
    "ExchangeSegment": "BSECM",
    "ExchangeInstrumentID": 500410,
    "ProductType": "NRML",
    "Marketlot": 1,
    "Multiplier": 1,
    "BuyAveragePrice": 2300,
    "SellAveragePrice": 0,
    "LongPosition": 20,
    "ShortPosition": 0,
    "NetPosition": 20,
    "BuyValue": 46000,
    "SellValue": 0,
    "NetValue": -46000,
    "UnrealizedMTM": 0,
    "RealizedMTM": 0,
    "MTM": 0,
    "BEP": 0,
    "SumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceBuy": 46000,
    "SumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceSell": 0,
    "statisticsLevel": "ParentLevel",
    "isInterOpPosition": false,
    "MessageCode": 0,
    "MessageVersion": 0,
    "TokenID": 0,
    "ApplicationType": 0,
    "SequenceNumber": 0,
    "IsDayWiseNetWise": "netwise"