Open Interest Event
Open Interest Event message for JSON Full Packet.
console.log("data is "+data);
Response to 1510-json-full response
"ExchangeInstrumentID": 46923,
"ExchangeSegment": 2,
"ExchangeTimeStamp": 1399111953000000000,
"MessageCode": 1510,
"OpenInterest": 2296455,
"OpenInterestChange": 20520,
"UnderLyingTotalOpenInterest": 0,
"UnderlyingExchangeSegment": 1,
"UnderlyingIDIndexName": "Nifty Bank",
"UnderlyingInstrumentID": 26009
Open Interest Event message for JSON Partial Packet.
console.log("data is "+data);
Response to 1510-json-partial response
"oi": 2294550,
"oic": 18615,
"t": "2_46923",
"toi": 1399112675000000000,
"uex": 1,
"uid": 26009,
"uidx": "Nifty Bank"
Symbol |
Explanation |
t |
Exchangesegment_instrumentID(exchange segment enum with underscore along with instrumentID of the particular subscribed instrument) |
o |
Open |