Market Status Event
The MarketStatus indicates the current status of the exchange market, including various phases such as PreOpenStart, PreOpenEnd, NormalStart, NormalEnd, PreClosingStart, and PreClosingEnd.
Market Status Event message for full json
console.log("data is "+data);
Response for JSON Full
"ExchangeInstrumentID": 0,
"ExchangeSegment": 11,
"ExchangeTimeStamp": 1714625160,
"MessageCode": 1507,
"marketType": 8,
"tradingSession": 100
Market Status Event message for partial json
console.log("data is "+data);
Response for JSON Partial
"ExchangeInstrumentID": 0,
"ExchangeSegment": 11,
"ExchangeTimeStamp": 1714626000,
"MessageCode": 1507,
"marketType": 9,
"message": "OPEN",
"tradingSession": 2
Exchange Trading Session
0: 'PreOpenStart'
1: 'PreOpenEnd'`
2: 'NormalStart'
4: 'NormalEnd'
8: 'PreClosingStart'
16: 'PreClosingEnd'
PreOpenStart: 0
PreOpenEnd: 1
NormalStart: 2
NormalEnd: 4
PreClosingStart: 8
PreClosingEnd: 16`
Exchange Market Type
1: 'Normal'
2: 'OddLot'
3: 'Spot'
4: 'Auction'
5: 'CallAuction1'
6: 'CallAuction2'
Normal: 1
OddLot: 2
Spot: 3
Auction: 4
CallAuction1: 5
CallAuction2: 6