Instrument Property Change Event
Instrument property change events provide details about daily changes to instrument properties that occur during market hours. These changes may include the Daily Price Range (LowPriceRange, HighPriceRange), changes to the 52 Week High/Low, and the Trade Execution Range (HighExecBand, LowExecBand), among others. For a comprehensive list of the properties that might change, please refer to the InstrumentPropName enums expected in this event.
console.log("data is "+data);
Response to 1105-json-partial response
"MessageCode": 1105,
"ExchangeInstrumentID": 46923,
"ExchangeSegment": 2,
"High": 54395.65,
"Low": 44505.5,
"HighExecBand": 50878.8,
"LowExecBand": 47915,
"AuctionDetailInfo": {
"AuctionNumber": 0,
"LastTradedQty": 0,
"LastTradedPrice": 0,
"AvgTradePrice": 0,
"LastUpdateTime": 0,
"TotalBidQty": 0,
"TotalAskQty": 0,
"AuctionStatus": 0,
"InitiatorType": 0,
"SettlementPeriod": 0,
"TotalBuyQty": 0,
"TotalSellQty": 0,
"AuctionQty": 0,
"AuctionPrice": 0,
"BestBuyPrice": 0,
"BestSellPrice": 0