Candle Data Event
Candle Data Event message for full json
console.log("data is "+data);
Response for JSON Full
"BarTime": 1714644959,
"BarVolume": 557715,
"Close": 49504.9,
"ExchangeInstrumentID": 46923,
"ExchangeSegment": 2,
"High": 49507.25,
"Low": 49495.5,
"MessageCode": 1505,
"Open": 49495.5,
"OpenInterest": 0,
"SumOfQtyInToPrice": 2758772941260
Candle Data Event message for partial json
console.log("data is "+data);
Response for JSON Partial
"bt": 1714645439,
"bv": 1455,
"c": 49469.8,
"h": 49469.8,
"l": 49454.05,
"o": 49465.0,
"pv": 7196801460,
"t": "2_46923"
Symbol |
Explanation |
t |
Exchangesegment_instrumentID(exchange segment enum with underscore along with instrumentID of the particular subscribed instrument) |
o |
Open |
h |
High |
l |
Low |
c |
Close |
bt |
Bar Time |
bv |
Bar Volume |
pv |
Sum of Quantity In Price |