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Unsubscription User can unsubscribe to the instruments using the Unsubscription API. The unsubscription API returns the market event that you have unsubscribed along with the list of instruments that have been unsubscribed successfully

Method: PUT



Content-Type Value
Authorization {{MARKET_AUTH_TOKEN}}

Request Body: JSON

    "instruments": [
            "exchangeSegment": 5,
            "exchangeInstrumentID": 4671
            "exchangeSegment": 5,
            "exchangeInstrumentID": 22
    "eventCode": 1502

Response: 200

    "code": 200,
    "description": "Instrument subscription deleted!",
    "result": {
        "mdp": 1502,
        "unsubList": [
                "exchangeSegment": 5,
                "exchangeInstrumentID": 4671
                "exchangeSegment": 5,
                "exchangeInstrumentID": 22
    "type": "success"