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Get Equity Symbol

Get Equity Symbol Get Equity symbol returns the information about the equity symbol based on the parameters provided such as exchangeSegment, series and symbol.

Method: GET



Content-Type Value
Authorization {{MARKET_AUTH_TOKEN}}

Query Params

Param Value
exchangeSegment The segment which represents cash, derivative, commodity, or currency market [Required]
series Group name/Product_code in case of CM/FO [Required]
symbol Name of the symbol [Required]

Response: 200

    "code": 200,
    "description": "ok",
    "result": [
            "ExchangeSegment": 1,
            "ExchangeInstrumentID": 2277,
            "InstrumentType": 8,
            "Name": "MRF",
            "DisplayName": "MRF",
            "Description": "MRF-EQ",
            "Series": "EQ",
            "NameWithSeries": "MRF-EQ",
            "InstrumentID": 12961,
            "PriceBand": {
                "High": 140355.25,
                "Low": 114836.15,
                "HighString": "140355.25",
                "LowString": "114836.15",
                "CreditRating": "114836.15-140355.25",
                "HighExecBandString": "",
                "LowExecBandString": "",
                "HighExecBand": 0,
                "LowExecBand": 0,
                "TERRange": "0.00-0.00"
            "FreezeQty": 1569,
            "TickSize": 0.05,
            "LotSize": 1
    "type": "success"