Get Equity Symbol
Get Equity Symbol
Get Equity symbol returns the information about the equity symbol based on the parameters provided such as exchangeSegment, series and symbol.
Method: GET
Content-Type |
Value |
Authorization |
Query Params
Param |
Value |
exchangeSegment |
The segment which represents cash, derivative, commodity, or currency market [Required] |
series |
Group name/Product_code in case of CM/FO [Required] |
symbol |
Name of the symbol [Required] |
Response: 200
"code": 200,
"description": "ok",
"result": [
"ExchangeSegment": 1,
"ExchangeInstrumentID": 2277,
"InstrumentType": 8,
"Name": "MRF",
"DisplayName": "MRF",
"Description": "MRF-EQ",
"Series": "EQ",
"NameWithSeries": "MRF-EQ",
"InstrumentID": 12961,
"PriceBand": {
"High": 140355.25,
"Low": 114836.15,
"HighString": "140355.25",
"LowString": "114836.15",
"CreditRating": "114836.15-140355.25",
"HighExecBandString": "",
"LowExecBandString": "",
"HighExecBand": 0,
"LowExecBand": 0,
"TERRange": "0.00-0.00"
"FreezeQty": 1569,
"TickSize": 0.05,
"LotSize": 1
"type": "success"