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Fetch Instruments By Id

Fetch Instruments By ID The Fetch Instruments By ID API returns the details of the instruments based on the exchangeSegment and exchangeInstrumentID provided in the request body.

Method: POST



Content-Type Value
Authorization {{MARKET_AUTH_TOKEN}}

Request Body: JSON

            "exchangeSegment": 2,
            "exchangeInstrumentID": 116472

Response: 200

    "code": 200,
    "description": "OK",
    "result": [
            "StrikePrice": 3340,
            "OptionType": 4,
            "StrikeDifference": 20,
            "ContractExpiration": "2024-05-30T14:30:00",
            "RemainingExpiryDays": 14,
            "RemainingExpiryDaysABS": 14,
            "ContractExpirationString": "30MAY2024",
            "HasContractExpired": false,
            "UnderlyingType": 0,
            "UnderlyingInstrumentID": 2885,
            "UnderlyingIndexName": "RELIANCE",
            "InstrumentID": 1050697,
            "ExchangeInstrumentID": 116472,
            "PreferredExchangeInstrumentID": -1,
            "PreferredExchangeSegment": 0,
            "OppositeExchangeInstrumentID": -1,
            "OppositeExchangeSegment": 0,
            "DisplayName": "RELIANCE 30MAY2024 PE 3340.00",
            "Name": "RELIANCE",
            "AuctionNumber": 0,
            "MinimumQty": 1,
            "IsIndex": false,
            "QuantityMultiplier": 1,
            "Multiplier": 1,
            "PriceNumerator": 1,
            "PriceDenominator": 1,
            "LotSize": 250,
            "InstrumentType": 2,
            "SymbolType": 0,
            "CfiCode": "",
            "Status": "",
            "TicksPerPoint": 20,
            "TickSize": 0.05,
            "ByPassDPR": false,
            "Description": "RELIANCE30MAY243340.00PE",
            "IsImpliedMarket": false,
            "IsTradeable": true,
            "ExchangeSegment": 2,
            "Series": "OPTSTK",
            "MaxTradeVolume": 0,
            "PriceBand": {
                "High": 607.25,
                "Low": 388.35,
                "HighString": "607.25",
                "LowString": "388.35",
                "CreditRating": "388.35-607.25",
                "HighExecBandString": "",
                "LowExecBandString": "",
                "HighExecBand": 0,
                "LowExecBand": 0,
                "TERRange": "0.00-0.00"
            "DecimalDisplace": 2,
            "ExtendedMarketProperties": {
                "SettlementNo": {
                    "Name": 67,
                    "Value": ""
                "UniqueKey": {
                    "Name": 68,
                    "Value": "RELIANCE"
                "CompanyName": {
                    "Name": 4,
                    "Value": "RELIANCE30MAY243340.00PE"
                "IssueStartDate": {
                    "Name": 5,
                    "Value": ""
                "IssueMaturityDate": {
                    "Name": 6,
                    "Value": "30MAY2024"
                "ListingDate": {
                    "Name": 10,
                    "Value": "01JAN1970"
                "BookClosureStartDate": {
                    "Name": 13,
                    "Value": "01Jan0001"
                "BookClosureEndDate": {
                    "Name": 14,
                    "Value": "01Jan0001"
                "RecordDate": {
                    "Name": 15,
                    "Value": ""
                "ExpulsionDate": {
                    "Name": 20,
                    "Value": "01JAN1970"
                "Remarks": {
                    "Name": 21,
                    "Value": ""
                "MaxOrderQuantity": {
                    "Name": 25,
                    "Value": ""
                "ExposureMargin": {
                    "Name": 31,
                    "Value": "5.25"
                "ExDate": {
                    "Name": 33,
                    "Value": "01JAN1970"
                "CallAuctionIndicator": {
                    "Name": 51,
                    "Value": ""
                "MarketType": {
                    "Name": 63,
                    "Value": "NORMAL"
            "MarketTypeStatusEligibility": {
                "Normal": {
                    "MarketType": 0,
                    "Eligibile": false,
                    "TradingStatus": 0
                "OddLot": {
                    "MarketType": 0,
                    "Eligibile": false,
                    "TradingStatus": 0
                "RetailDebt": {
                    "MarketType": 0,
                    "Eligibile": false,
                    "TradingStatus": 0
                "Auction": {
                    "MarketType": 0,
                    "Eligibile": false,
                    "TradingStatus": 0
            "NameWithExchange": "RELIANCE-NSEFO",
            "NameWithSeries": "RELIANCE-OPTSTK",
            "DisplayNameWithExchange": "RELIANCE 30MAY2024 PE 3340.00-NSEFO",
            "DisplayNameWithSeries": "RELIANCE 30MAY2024 PE 3340.00-OPTSTK",
            "DisplayNameWithSeriesAndExchange": "RELIANCE 30MAY2024 PE 3340.00-OPTSTK-NSEFO",
            "FreezeQty": 7501,
            "LastUpdateTime": 0,
            "Bhavcopy": {
                "Open": 0,
                "High": 0,
                "Low": 0,
                "Close": 0,
                "TotTrdQty": 0,
                "TotTrdVal": 0,
                "TimeStamp": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
                "TotalTrades": 0,
                "OpenInterest": 0,
                "SettlementPrice": 0
            "AdditionalPreExpiryMarginPerc": 0,
            "AdditionalMarginPercLong": 0,
            "AdditionalMarginPercShort": 0,
            "DeliveryMarginPerc": 0,
            "SpecialMarginPercBuy": 0,
            "SpecialMarginPercSell": 0,
            "TenderMargin": 0,
            "ELMLongMargin": 0,
            "ELMShortMargin": 0,
            "InitialMarginPerc": 0,
            "ExposureMarginPerc": 5.25,
            "CallAuctionIndicator": 0,
            "MarketType": 1,
            "CurrentEligibleMarketType": 1,
            "InstrumentProductType": 0,
            "TotalMargin": 0,
            "SettlementIndicator": "P",
            "Industry": 0
    "type": "success"