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Profile uTrade Provides a feature that enables the user to fetch the profile details stored with the broker using the jwt access token.

Method: GET



Content-Type Value
Authorization {{AUTH_TOKEN}}

Query Params

Param Value
clientID Required in case of dealer

Response: 200

    "code": 200,
    "description": "User Profile",
    "result": {
        "ClientId": "C1",
        "ClientName": "C1",
        "EmailId": "",
        "MobileNo": "1234567890",
        "Pan": "",
        "IncludeInAutoSquareOff": false,
        "IncludeInAutoSquareOffBlocked": true,
        "IsProClient": false,
        "IsInvestorClient": "",
        "ResidentialAddress": "",
        "OfficeAddress": "DSDFG2345G",
        "ClientBankInfoList": {
            "ClientId": "C1",
            "AccountNumber": "123456781234567",
            "AccountType": "",
            "BankName": "Axisbank",
            "BankBranchName": "Mohali",
            "BankCity": "",
            "CustomerId": "",
            "BankCityPincode": "",
            "BankIFSCCode": "HDFC0000003"
        "ExchangeInfo": {
            "ESMNSE": {
                "ClientId": "C1",
                "ExchangeSegNumber": 5,
                "Enabled": true,
                "ParticipantCode": ""
            "NSECDS": {
                "ClientId": "C1",
                "ExchangeSegNumber": 3,
                "Enabled": true,
                "ParticipantCode": ""
            "NSECM": {
                "ClientId": "C1",
                "ExchangeSegNumber": 1,
                "Enabled": true,
                "ParticipantCode": ""
            "NSEFO": {
                "ClientId": "C1",
                "ExchangeSegNumber": 2,
                "Enabled": true,
                "ParticipantCode": ""
    "type": "success"